In an electrifying clash at the Shree Shiv Chhatrapati Sports Complex in Pune on December 17, 2023, the Patna Pirates engaged in a nail-biting kabaddi showdown against U Mumba. The intense battle unfolded with captivating moments, keeping spectators on the edge of their seats as the two formidable teams clashed in the ongoing Pro Kabaddi League (PKL) 2023. With each raid and tackle, the players showcased their skill and determination, delivering a thrilling kabaddi spectacle that will be remembered in the league’s history.
Key Moments and Highlights
The encounter kicked off with Guman Singh securing a couple of raid points, giving U Mumba an early lead at 3-2 in the third minute. Both teams engaged in a neck-and-neck battle, remaining tied at 5-5 in the sixth minute. The intensity heightened as both sides matched each other raid for raid, with Sachin’s from Patna Pirates brilliant raid reducing U Mumba to three members on the mat. However, Visvanth V from U mumba executed a double-point raid, eliminating Patna Pirate’s Ankit and Sudhakar M, while ensuring U Mumba stayed ahead at 10-9 in the 12th minute.
First Half Battle
Manjeet’s super tackle in the 15th minute kept the Patna Pirates in the game at 11-13. Patna Pirates Sachin’s stellar defensive support reduced U Mumba to a lone member on the mat. Heidarali Ekrami’s brilliant raid kept U Mumba in contention, but the Patna Pirates side countered with an all-out in the 17th minute. Capitalizing on the momentum, the Patna Pirates concluded the first half with a lead of 21-18.
Second Half Challenges
Sachin continued his exceptional performance, aiding the Patna Pirates in extending their lead to 23-19 early in the second half. However, U Mumba fought back, with Amirmohammad Zafardanesh’s flurry of raid points allowing them to seize the lead at 26-25. Zafardanesh’s outstanding form was evident as U Mumba imposed an all-out in the 27th minute. Despite Patna Pirates’ Sachin’s consistent raid points, U Mumba maintained a narrow advantage.
The see-saw battle persisted, and in the 33rd minute, the score was deadlocked at 35-35. Surinder Singh’s super tackle in the 35th minute provided U Mumba with a decent lead at 39-35. A brilliant raid by Visvanth further extended their advantage. In the late stages of the game, Zafardanesh secured another crucial raid point, ensuring U Mumba clinched a hard-fought victory with a final score of 42-40.
Patna Pirates: Top Performers Of The Match
Top Defender: Krishan
Top Raider: Sachin Tanwar
Match Table
Raids Attempted | 45 |
Tackles Attempted | 21 |
Raid Points | 27 |
Tackle Points | 9 |
What’s Next for Patna Pirates
As the thrilling encounter against U Mumba concludes, the Patna Pirates now shift their focus to the next challenge. Match No. 27 awaits, where the Patna Pirates will face the Jaipur Pink Panthers at the Badminton Hall in Balewadi Sports Complex, Pune. With determination, strategic planning, and a hunger for victory, the Patna Pirates are gearing up for yet another exhilarating match that promises kabaddi enthusiasts an unforgettable experience, more excitement and drama in the Pro Kabaddi League 2023.