PKL 2021 is soon to happen, and fans are super excited to see the incredible Kabbadi moves of their most favorite players. This time, Patna Pirates and its new & retained team members are being expected to make a significant setback. With the new captain on board, the team will be led by Monu Goyat, who is a renowned raider.
Players on either side of the court are supposed to be quick and responsive in the Kabbadi move they adopt to win a point. For instance, the tackle is one of the super Kabbadi moves used by defenders to beat the raiders. When we talk about tackles there are multiple types of them that fall under special defensive skills.
When a raider comes way too far on the other side of the court, he gets blocked by the players of the opponent team. So, the tackle used here by the defenders is blocking.
Moving to the other defensive skill, chain tackle is another tackle category that requires two or more members blocking the raider in order to stop him from winning a point.
Talking about the next move that requires immense strength is ankle hold. Here the defender grasps the raider’s ankle while he tries to make a skip and reach his own side of the court. Defenders who are quick at their game can catch hold of the raider very immediately by using thigh hold while they try to change the move or way.
The other technique that defenders use to score a point against the team is by using diving ankle holds. It requires the defender to use his hands to lock the legs of the raider. Being a super Kabbadi move, this comes after multiple practices and rehearsals.
Now, let’s move to the top-notch Kabbadi skills that raiders use to stay in the game. Starting with the primary move of the raiders, that is Hand Touch which can be executed with vigorous practice and reflexes.
Toe Touch is another raider move used by experienced players. Here, they try touching the feet of the defenders while maintaining a safe distance.

Squat Thrust is used by raiders who are super agile and quick. Short and slim raiders can excel in this move by putting forward their nearest leg in a squatting position.
While describing the raider moves, we cannot miss talking about kicking. Its vital types that can be used in the case of fewer defenders are curve, sidekick, and back kick.
There are only a few days left for the commencement of PKL season 8. This year, PKL is taking place after a gap of 2 years, and this time players of the league are ready to show their super moves with more enthusiasm and power. With seven outstanding seasons and significant encounters, the Vivo Pro Kabaddi league has always succeeded in making a special place in the heart of Kabbadi fans. Hence, this is why people have high hopes for the team to set new records and breakthroughs.